Impalas are beginning to congregate in Plymouth for the hotly anticipated 2012 championships, despite the torrential rain and flooding that has turned parts of Devon into Atlantis. Some delivery trips have been easier than others. Polly and Imptish took a light Southeasterly straight from Hamble to Plymouth, while, 24 hours later, poor Martin Perry and crew on Vlad the Impala got a real pasting. He writes: ‘After one windy weekend getting from Emsworth to Weymouth, I was confident (having checked all the forecasts) that this weekend just gone was going to be less windy. I thought that we would be motoring most of the way from Weymouth to Plymouth. I even said something about a “wet but boring” trip. I should have kept my trap shut!

‘The image above seems to imply that we were out in a force 9, gusting 10. It was very scary and I would have liked less sail up than the No3 & 2 reefs in the main. We did do some good surfs, though and 13.5 knots of SOG was the maximum seen (uncalibrated boat speed log was ignored). But, once again, Vlad the Impala performed impeccably – What a great little ship she is!

‘Vlad is now in Brixham, having arrived at about 7.30am on Saturday with a rather shaken crew aboard! Still planning to do the final 40 miles to Plymouth in time for the start of The Nationals on Friday…’



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