Magic’ became the fourth incarnation of hull 701308 when was purchased by Olly Bewes and George Beevor in April 2012.
As ‘Redskin’ she was a prominent JOG boat in the early 1980s before moving to the Clyde where she became ‘Orrkid‘ under the ownership of Alistair Orr. In 2008 she moved back south to the Mersey from where Dave and Jeanette Hardy cruised her as far as Norway under the name ‘Black Magic’.
‘Magic’ is now back on the Hamble and is once again a regular in JOG and even made the cover of the 2013 Notice of Race(!) She also takes part in round the cans racing in the Solent having finished second in the Solent IRC Championship in 2012. She was 4th in the JOG inshore series in 2013 as well as fourth in the Impala Nationals at Weymouth.
More information and reports can be found at Magic’s website can be found at


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