“Its been a windy winter series at Hamble this autumn, with winds consistently in the 20 knot range,  and often more. After 7 years away, coming back to sail Impalas has been great  fun, and an opportunity to apply experience learned in other craft to help understand the fascinating business of  getting to windward in a breeze. The Impala’s light weight, easy sections and relative lack of beam contribute to the slippery performance that we all find so appealing , but upwind in a breeze these same attributes make it very easy for her to be knocked over in the gusts . So how should we set the boats up to perform best in these conditions? ”

Read on from this new article on how to go upwind quickly in a breeze from a long-time Impala sailor recently returned to the class, in the Tuning section of the website. Any tips of your own you’d like to share? Send them in!

Categories: Tuning Guides


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