To all entrants in the Impala Nationals 2013,

Here are some further details on the arrangements and programme at Weymouth.

Arriving in Weymouth:

Berthing on Friday and Saturday nights is included in the entry fee. We will be mooring in the Cove, opposite the Royal Dorset YC. Either side of this, let the harbourmaster know that you’re doing the Impala Nationals – we have negotiated a 20% discount on the mooring fees – which should come to £18 a night.

Thursday night:

There will be a welcome at Weymouth SC during the evening at a time TBC. Come and see Ben or Steph Meakins or Kevin Palfreeman in the WSC Bar to collect your SI’s, Mugs and to buy tickets for the food on Friday and Saturday (more below). Food will be available from the kitchen and the bar will be open.

Friday: Coastal race, finishing at around 1600.

There will be a rum punch and nibbles on the pontoons after racing, courtesy of Goacher Sails and GAP communications.

Later on, from 1930 there will be a BBQ at WSC, followed by the prizegiving.

BBQ tickets are £6.50 a head – please buy these on Thursday night so we can let the caterers know in good time.

Saturday: 3 round-the-cans races

Evening: Buffet downstairs at WSC from 1930. Buffet tickets £6.50 a head (please buy on Thursday eve), followed by entertainment and prizegiving in the WSC bar.

Sunday: Prizegiving immediately after racing. Food and drink will be available at WSC.

Mooring after the event – if you’re staying on Sunday night, let the harbourmaster know and you will still receive the 20% discount.

Measurement and rules:

We appreciate that after 35 years boats will have had changes made – but in the interests of close one-design racing feel it’s important to make sure they are as similar as possible. In addition to the class rules ( Kevin has drawn up a list of corrector weights to compensate for any missing items – and it’s up to each individual owner to ensure his boat complies. For more info, go to – and if in any doubt or with any queries, contact Ben, the rules secretary and the committee to arrange a compromise solution.

Sailing Instructions:

The draft SIs are now on the website – see


Thanks to some very generous sponsorship, we have some great prizes this year, courtesy of Raymarine, One Sails, Dolphin Sails, Banks Sails, Force 4 Chandlery and NIX Digital, as well as support from Goacher Sails and GAP Communications.


Don’t forget your battleflags! Backstay class flag will be IC flag ‘E’.

Really looking forward to seeing you all in Weymouth in a week’s time – it’s looking like a fantastic event.
Any questions at all, drop me a line.



Categories: Nationals


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