Gaston Chan sends this from Hong Kong: ‘Happy to inform you that an Impala won the National Australia Bank Top Dog Series at the Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club, beating 50 other boats, including some million dollar cruisers.
Impala 1, owned by Mike Burrell and Gaston Chan, won the four race series which included three pursuit races and the Around the (Hong Kong) Island Race. Paddy B was 6th and Moll came 8th. In all, 14 Impalas competed in the race.
You can see the full results by clicking the link, or check out the excellent photos and more photos plus a video by following the links above.
‘We have 12 Impalas on the start line racing regularly at the RHKYC every weekend. says Gaston’
Congratulations to all the Impalas that took part – and keep sending the reports in!

Top Dogs - the crew of Impala One

Categories: hongkong


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