Lammergeyer nears the finish line of the Scottish Islands Peaks race 2011

Jo Lloyd writes: ‘Here’s Lammergeyer at 0611 this morning doing c 6.5kts heading towards the finish of the Scottish Islands Peaks Race. She’s about 200 yards from smashing into the dock wall and is just about to wear round and drop both dinghy and runners off so they can row into Troon marina and finish the race.

She’d just finished sailing 160 nautical miles in windspeeds averaging 20-30kts with gusts to 42kts – her crew finished second in their class having run 60 miles over some rough ground, notably Ben More on Mull; the Paps of Jura on Jura and Goatfell on Arran. The runners climb some 11,500 feet too, so its not your Sunday afternoon round the cans.

Slightly different from last year’s flat calm – which showed that you can row an Impala at 2.5kts! Watch the video here…

Categories: Scottish


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