Having broken the boom recently, here’s what we found!

Firstly, ease the kicker in the gybes and when bearing away.

Repair, if the boom isn’t bent, is possible, and you can end-for-end the section. But, if like ours, it’s bent and cracked beyond repair, you have two options: Selden and Z Spars.

The Selden section has changed from the original section with tracks running down each side. But the new one, B120, should be a direct replacement and fit your existing vang and gooseneck. Downside – it costs nearly £900.







Z Spars is the other option, which cost £420 including delivery. It’s their Z204 section. You may need to modify your gooseneck toggle as the inner casting makes the boom lower. You may also find that mainsails with a boltrope on the foot don’t fit down the track. But at under half the price, it seems, so far, like a good compromise!



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