DSC_703335th Impala Nationals – Weymouth – Friday 25th to Sunday 27th July

It’s less than two months to go to the 2014 Nationals Championships. We’re looking forward to having a large fleet of Impalas in Weymouth at the end of July to celebrate the classes 35th Birthday.

The organisers Weymouth Regatta can now take entries via their website http://www.weymouthregatta.co.uk/. Please get these in soon so we can have a good idea of the numbers for on water and social event planning. A late entry supplement will be charged after mid July.

The entry fee includes 3 nights mooring in the Cove, less than 3 minute walk from shops, cafes, self catering houses, B&Bs and pubs and Royal Dorset YC and Weymouth SC which will be our base clubs for the regatta. The harbour Master has agreed to offer discounted berthing to those boats wishing to take more than the 3 nights.

We will have our own course area, our own committee boat, 2 mark laying ribs and a top quality race officer and race management team, and our own Class rep on the committee boat to ensure fair play.

Further details of the race format can be found in the Notice of Race http://www.weymouthregatta.co.uk/sites/all/files/2014-KB_NOR.pdf Seperate Sailing Instructions for the Impala fleet are being written.

The on-shore programme will include

  • Thursday 24th – evening welcome party and competitors briefing at the Royal Dorset Yacht Club – The Royal Dorset will be serving food for purchase on the night
  • Friday 25th – pontoon party followed by a BBQ (tickets to be purchased in advance) and “night in” with Games at our hosts Weymouth Sailing Club
  • Saturday 26th – 35th Anniversary Dinner at Weymouth Pavilion, hopefully with multimedia, speeches, music and dancing – Tickets will need to be purchased in advance
  • Sunday 27th – Main prize giving – Royal Dorset

Information will follow soon on ticket prices and other on-shore plans.

It’s going to be a fantastic event, make sure you’re there!

Barney Smith (35th Nationals Organiser)




Categories: Nationals


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