Tuning Guides
Find out how to make your Impala go fast with rig tuning, sail trimming and boat preparation guides from the past 40 years.

Boats for sale
Looking to buy an Impala? Check out the free listings here - we've got the most comprehensive listings of Impalas on the web!

Events Calendar
Find out what One Design and handicap events Impalas will be sailing this year and download the calendar to your phone.

Nationals ’23 Entry is Open!
Entry for the 2023 Nationals in Hamble is now open. You can read the Notice of Race here. Please visit this link to enter and pay online: https://www.hrsc.org.uk/event/857891 Visiting boats: please get in touch with

Impala and Sonata Open Event in Strangford Lough
On the weekend of 27th – 28th of May, East Down Yacht Club in Strangford Lough will host the Impala Sonata Open Event, the 2 day event will have three windward/leeward one design races on

7 things you might not know about the Impala
7 things you might not know about the Impala… by Peter Poland 1. Why is the Impala narrower than the Hydro and other similar length Half Tonners of its era?Because the original Hunter factory doors

Hamble Nationals ’23 Accomodation suggestions
Here are some options in the local area for accomodation: RAF Yacht Club has a number of rooms that can be booked Royal Southern YC also has rooms that can be booked Hamble B&B: https://www.hamblebedandbreakfast.com/

Impala Nationals 2023 Dates
We’re happy to announce that the 2023 Impala Nationals will be sailed from Hamble from 21-23 July. Racing will be a mixture of windward-leeward and round the cans races, and the event will be run

2022 Nationals Report
10 boats ventured to Plymouth for the first official Impala championships since the pandemic, from the Fal in the West to the Hamble to the East for a weekend of Caribbean sunshine and light but

History of the Impala
From Offshore One Design council winner in 1979 and still winning races in the 21st century - find out the history and reviews of the Impala 28

Find out how to maintain your Impala, from replacing hatches to engine repairs, new rudders, adding water tanks and more

Nationals winners
Find out which boats were on the podium at the Impala National Championships from 1979 to today.

Class Rules
Explore the class rules, with engine installation diagrams, corrector weights, spars, equipment and sail dimensions