Tuning Guides
Find out how to make your Impala go fast with rig tuning, sail trimming and boat preparation guides from the past 40 years.

Boats for sale
Looking to buy an Impala? Check out the free listings here - we've got the most comprehensive listings of Impalas on the web!

Events Calendar
Find out what One Design and handicap events Impalas will be sailing this year and download the calendar to your phone.
Many thanks to Fragrant Harbour for their kind permission to use this cracking set of photos of Impala 1 nearing the finish line of the Nations Cup in Hong Kong, with team Canada on board.
Impala Nationals – further details
To all entrants in the Impala Nationals 2013, Here are some further details on the arrangements and programme at Weymouth. Arriving in Weymouth: Berthing on Friday and Saturday nights is included in the entry fee.
LATEST NEWS: The Notice of Racing and draft Sailing instructions are included. There are some key items to note: Scoring: We will be scoring 5 of 6, 4 of 5, 3 of 4, 3 of 3. Must have
Photo of the day: Wednesday Night racing!
(c) Bertrand Malas. Two Frank and Cheeky Monkey (ex-Kudu) racing last night in HRSC’s Wednesday Night series. There are often 4 impalas out on a wednesday night – come and join in!
I am going to need those boat names soon…… Please email me on kpalfreeman@yahoo.co.uk with the names Thanks Kevin
IRC Small Boat regatta
Four Impalas entered the IRC Small Boat Championships, hosted by the Island Sailing Club last weekend. Racing was abandoned on Saturday in light of a brutal forecast, but that didn’t stop Magic, Imptish and Two

History of the Impala
From Offshore One Design council winner in 1979 and still winning races in the 21st century - find out the history and reviews of the Impala 28

Find out how to maintain your Impala, from replacing hatches to engine repairs, new rudders, adding water tanks and more

Nationals winners
Find out which boats were on the podium at the Impala National Championships from 1979 to today.

Class Rules
Explore the class rules, with engine installation diagrams, corrector weights, spars, equipment and sail dimensions