015018The Solent fleet has been putting together a provisional Solent Calendar for 2015. Download as a PDF here or as a .ics file  so you can input it straight into your phone / outlook calendar.  Download it as an ics file here

It would be good to get some expressions of interest, so can you all hit reply and let us know your vague plans for the year?

In addition to the Impala Nationals (20-22 June in Cowes) we’re also proposing to run two weekends (or single days if preferred) as one-design training days on 09 May and 06 June. These will consist of lots of low-key short, sharp races to get us all in shape in time for the Nationals, as well as some starting exercises, with a pub meal in the evenings and a chance to talk to other owners to find out how they do things. Would these be of interest? let us know – info@impala28.co.uk.

other Key Events with big entries expected:
Did we mention the nationals, 20-22 June, CCYC, Cowes?
RTI – 27th June
IRC Small Boat Champs
Cowes Week

Hope your winter refits are going well and look forward to seeing you out on the water next season! Happy 2015!

What’s going on in your part of the country? Let us know!

Categories: South Coast


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