1185222_10151818661129806_1915465685_nThanks to Bertrand Malas for this great shot of 3 of the 4 Impalas who turned out for the light-winded final HRSC Wednesday night race of 2013. It’s a long time ’til April 🙁

Thankfully, there are lots of events left this year, starting with the JOG Cowes-Poole-Cowes race this weekend, with Two Frank, Polly and Magic entered. The Inaugural Impala Hamble-Itchenor race is on the 21st-22nd September, and the HRSC One-Design championships are on 13-14 October and 26-17th October -as well as the Garmin Hamble Winter Series. What’s going on in your part of the world?

Also, congratulations to Brixham boats Peanut and Impulsive, who came 3rd and 5th overall respectively in Dartmouth Sailing week.

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