This page contains some notes from Dart Sails on sail setting, and below that a set of Sail Trim Tables, compiled by Nigel Lucas from Romper. Any tips of your own, send ’em in!

Thanks to Dart Sails for the below guide.


These were compiled as a guide by Nigel Lucas from Romper.

LIGHT AIRS (0-8 knots), flat sails and open leeches (to avoid stalling).

Mainsail Control Upwind Reaching Downwind
Outhaul 1″ from black band except in slight chop then 2.5″ from band 2.5″ except when close reaching with spinnaker and experiencing backwinding Ease to 1.5″ from band
Cunningham No tension No tension No tension
Kicker No tension Very slight tension Very slight tension
Traveller 2-3″ above centre line Halfway down track Halfway down track
Sheet Sufficient to keep boom on centre line To give Desired boom angle To give Desired boom angle
Genoa Control Upwind Reaching Downwind
Halyard Loose, puckered luff Loose, puckered luff Genoa furled
Barber Hauler Inboard as far as possible without backwinding main Outboard
Track Eased to set sails some 4-5″ from spreader (make sure top and bottom tell-tales are parallel) Trimmed to keep excessive twist out of leech.
Sheet Depending on sea conditions; the foot should be just touching shroud in flat sea, but the foot should be up to 6″ off in lumpy sea. Trimmed on tell-tales
Spinnaker Control Reaching Downwind
Halyard 4-6″ off the mast To mast
Pole Lowered to match clew height Lowered to match clew height
Guy/Sheet Normal Guy position, use Pole downhaul to push pole forward as required. Try to keep sheet out of water. Easier to trim via Guy rather than sheet. Pole as far aft as possible without having to oversheet; maximum projected area.
Rig Control Upwind Reaching Downwind
Backstay Tighten to take any vertical creases out Release to allow mast forward

MEDIUM AIRS (9-18 knots), full sails and tight leeches (to give power and pointing).

Mainsail Control Upwind Reaching Downwind
Outhaul Out to black band 2.5″ from band Ease to 1.5″ from band
Cunningham No tension No tension No tension
Kicker Tension increasing as wind pressure builds Adjust to prevent head falling off slight tension
Traveller Near centre line, dropping down the track as pressure builds Bottom half of track Bottom half of track
Sheet Sufficient to keep boom on centre line and tighten leech of main To give Desired boom angle To give Desired boom angle
Genoa Control Upwind Reaching Downwind
Halyard Loose, puckered luff Loose, puckered luff Genoa furled
Barber Hauler Inboard as far as possible without backwinding main Outboard if possible
Track Eased to set sails some 2″ from spreader (make sure top and bottom tell-tales are parallel) Trimmed to keep excessive twist out of leech.
Sheet Depending on sea conditions; the foot should be hard against the shroud in flat sea, but the foot should be loosely touching shroud in lumpy sea. Trimmed on tell-tales
Spinnaker Control Reaching Downwind
Halyard 4-6″ off the mast To mast
Pole Pole level with clew. The pole should never be higher than the clew – this prevents “hooking” into the main. High as possible for maximum power without the clew drooping below pole height.
Guy/Sheet Normal Guy position, pole must stay off the forestay. Ease sheet as much as possible. Pole as far aft as possible without having to oversheet; maximum projected area.
Rig Control Upwind Reaching Downwind
Backstay Release to allow mast forward

HEAVY AIRS (19-28 plus knots), flat sails (to reduce power) and controlled leeches (to maintain pointing but reduce power).

Mainsail Control Upwind Reaching Downwind
Outhaul Out to black band Out to black band Out to black band
Cunningham Pull on to remove creases No tension No tension
Kicker On Hard Ease on bearing away. Ease kicker in puffs to de-power if required. Remove twist on mainsail to prevent rolling.
Traveller Play in gusts (dump) but try to keep as close to centre as possible – avoids backwinding from the Genoa. Down track Down track
Sheet Hard in To give Desired boom angle To give Desired boom angle
Genoa Control Upwind Reaching Downwind
Halyard No Creases in luff No Creases in luff Genoa furled
Barber Hauler If overpowered, or backwinding main then ease down. Have Genoa as far outboard as possible.
Track Eased to de-power in extreme gusts when overpowered. Normal setting should have leach 2″ from spreader. Trimmed to keep excessive twist out of leech.
Sheet The foot should be hard against the shroud. Ease until tell-tales stall. Ease to spill when overpowered.
Spinnaker Control Reaching Downwind
Halyard To Mast To mast (reduces rolling)
Pole Low to straighten luff and open leach (reduces back-winding) Lower than maximum to avoid spinnaker swinging (reduces rolling)
Guy/Sheet Trim as eased as possible Trim for maximum projected area but sheet in when rolling starts.
Rig Control Upwind Reaching Downwind
Backstay Hard on Eased to flatten main Eased.


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