Happy New Year! Thanks for your patience – we can confirm that the 2022 Nationals will be held in Plymouth by the Port of Plymouth Sailing Association, over three days from 8-10 July 2022. To be run alongside the J/24 Nationals, this will be a great event and should get a good turnout. The boats will be moored at Plymouth Yacht Haven, where the shoreside events will also take place.

We are looking forward to seeing a healthy entry, and please get in touch if you need info/assistance on moorings either side of the event, lift-in/out, trailer storage, etc.

In other event news, we will also be holding a three-day Solent Championships from 19-22 August, to be jointly hosted by Hamble River Sailing Club and the RAF Yacht Club. All welcome, cheap moorings and lift-in/out deals will be available.

And finally, to help with future planning, these will be the provisional National venues for the next few years:

2022: Plymouth

2023: Hamble

2024: Weymouth

Watch this space for more info, and how you can get involved in the future of the class.


Alec Whitehouse · February 14, 2022 at 2:10 pm

I am a new owner based in Bergen Norway, what would be the best sail maker or type of cut best suited for the boat? Any proven makers? Also what should I check on the mast? Does the standard rigging fair OK? Who is the best supplier regarding a trailer? Many thanks Regards Alec

Alec Whitehouse · February 14, 2022 at 2:11 pm

I am a new owner based in Bergen Norway, what would be the best sail maker or type of cut best suited for the boat? Any proven makers? Also what should I check on the mast? Does the standard rigging fair OK?

    Eleanor · February 16, 2022 at 9:55 pm

    We have goacher sails on ours from http://www.goachersails.co.uk/
    Very good fit and the makere are familiar with Impalas having raced and won with them.

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