A New Mast for Monkey BusinessA new mast for Monkey Business at last! Not without its teething troubles it has to be said, and a lot more to sort. To say that the new rig is different is something of an understatement! A full write-up should follow over the winter once we have worked everything out which will hopefully be useful for anyone else who drops the rig.

Still, it’s nice to be sailing again at least.

Well done to Julian Lord and Scallywag who trounced us in the Dabchicks Sail East Regatta over the weekend with two wins to our one; they were a long way ahead when we were forced to retire from the final race (the spreader patches no longer come in the right place so we punched a small hole in the main and decided to come home before it turned into a big hole). We will try to get back on terms with you over the Autumn Series.

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1 Comment

Kevin Palfreeman · September 14, 2011 at 9:53 am

Welcome back on the water.
In Plymouth we have been entertained by the AC45 Cats. 25 knots on a reach. They have them on a speed course in front of the Hoe – takes them a whole 40 seconds to get from one side to the other, then a very (very) quick tack to avoid the Mountbatten Breakwater.
We finally figured out what AC stands for – Always Capsise.

For those who can get away with it you can watch the racing live from their website ! 3pm Wednesday onwards

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