This page is for equipment for sale – add yours in the comments below, or email
Sails for sale.
Club racing/delivery/cruising. Currently clogging up Blues Too garage.
Available at nationals.
1 x Westaway mainsail. Mylar, very good condition £400
2 x no 1 genoa mylar. Average condition. £100 each.
1 x mainsail with sliders. Dacron. Good for cruising. £200.
See Ian @ blues too at Brixham if interested, or text 07980306786.
NORTH Main: LL10.10; LE 10.73; FT 3.48 – Kevlar – Reasonable Condition
Contact Peter Dessent (Vlad the Impala) –
Sails for sale
Banks 0.5oz running kite for sale 2 years old and only used in sub 15 knots 43m so bigger area than standard class and gives you a good boost downwind,
Really crispy still, 2 repairs both with tape one about 20cm long and one about 2cm I was going to get them fixed but never bothered We are starting to cycle our sails now so
£500 no offers
Banks Mainsail
2 years old GPL carbon, just won the nationals. Only used for big events and not flogged.
Always rolled after used and dryed.
2 reefs both with antal rings so no rusting like others.
We had this made in a heavier grade cloth so will last, still years of life left in the sail.
amazingly quick sail
in long bag
£1200 no offers
Alloy Kite pole
Class sized with piston ends. dyneema bridles. black painted. quite a few scrapes but straight with no dents
Dyneema Jib sheets
2x bright yellow marlow sheets, i think they are 10-12mm
we changed to a continuous spliced sheet so not needed
Sean Doyle · August 11, 2020 at 8:02 pm
Brand new Norths Impala spinnaker for sale – never used still in original packaging. Open to offers
Sean Doyle ex Huggy Bear
Neill · January 20, 2025 at 1:39 pm
Hi Sean, Im assuming your spinnaker has gone to a better home? If not is it still available?