With Impalas everywhere emerging from a winter of hibernation, the start of the 2012 season is not far off. And what a season it looks set to be!

Entries for the 2012 Nationals in Plymouth are already in double figures, and Impala attendance looks good at major events all around the country. Even better, good secondhand boats are being snapped up almost as soon as they get on the market.

A warm welcome to the class’ newest owners – Joe Mizen with Sunbird, Murray Caldwell with Revelry (ex-Apollo), David Onyons with Monkey Business, James Morrisson with Reaction, Barney Smith and Graham Tullett with Imptish, James Verner & Lisa Anderson with Nyala (ex-Celerity) and John Tyler with Parallel Universe. Boats are in high demand, so if you’re thinking of selling yours this year, let us know – we have a long list of interested buyers.

We look forward to seeing you on the water in 2012 – let us know which events you’re planning on doing, and please send in any results, race reports and maintenance and tuning tips you might have, so we can keep the website updated!

1 Comment

James Verner · March 15, 2012 at 11:27 am

Nyala will be making an appearance at the Itchenor event in September – look forward to seeing you there.

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